Harmony Road is governed by our Board of Directors is lead by our Board of Deacons, our Board of Christian Education, our Board of Evangelism and Discipleship, our Board of Mission Promotion and our Board of Management. All the Boards and Committees at Harmony Road serve God to help us responsibly minister for Him and effectively minister to as many people as possible.
Various Bible Study groups are available for all ages throughout the week. Church Prayer and Bible Study takes place each Wednesday evening from 7:00pm - 8:30pm under the teaching of our Pastor. Other "Growth Groups" meet during the week including family Bible Study groups, a ladies Bible Study group and “Faith Builders”.
Children's church runs during the Sunday service. We welcome ages JK to grade 8 to join us for activities and learning!
This board deals primarily with ministries involving teaching from nursery age to adult. The ministries include providing a nursery/toddler program, a junior church program, a junior high youth group as well as a senior high youth group, and Faithbuilders, which is a midweek Bible study run by Pastor Dave. We oversee a library which provides books, DVDs and teaching resources for all ages. This board also oversees a Vacation Bible School which runs for one week in the summer. For several years the board has hired a summer student and takes responsibility for organizing their work.
Faith Emmanuel Baptist Church, Spanish speaking congregation, is meeting on Sundays at 2pm
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Several women’s ministries at Harmony minister to the specific needs of women. Our Ladies’ Craft Group meets every Tuesday morning from 9:30am-11:30am at the church for a time of fellowship, refreshments, and creativity. We also have a Ladies Bible Study Growth Group that meet each Wednesday morning at HRBC at 9:30am. For location please contact the church. Come and share with us!
Our Church Library is full of great Christian books as well as DVDs and CDs. There's always something new to check out! We are located in a room of the Foundation Hall.
God has richly blessed us with various musical abilities and gifts in our church. Music ministry takes place in various forms including our Worship Teams and several individuals who share their gift of music with us at Harmony. In our worship services we incorporate these various musical styles by blending both traditional and contemporary hymns and choruses together. Worship Teams minister each Sunday in our morning worship service. “Special Music Ministry” is shared by several individuals as part of our Morning Worship Services. Occasionally, special music nights are arranged by our Music Committee to bring in Christian musicians/bands as part of our music ministry at Harmony.
Harmony is gifted with those who deeply desire to pray with God “for all things at all times”. Each Sunday our services are bathed in prayer including a time of pre-service prayer. Email and telephone prayer chains identify specific needs that occur each day for which people would like others to pray. A time of prayer in response to God’s leading is available each Sunday following the service. A prayer box in the foyer is available to all to let their prayer needs be known throughout the week and are included in the Ministry of Prayer during our services. An open Prayer Group meets each Thursday Morning at 9:30am in our sanctuary to pray to God for all our personal, corporate and global needs.
Missions Conference – Sept. 30, 11am – 2:30 pm at HRBC with Teen Challenge, The Pregnancy Help Centre and The Bible League Presenting. No Cost.
Soup Sundays – October 1, November 5, December 10 immediately following the service in the Foundation Hall. Join us for these fellowship times.
Church Business Meeting – Saturday November 25 (or 18th, to be determined)
Church Anniversary – Sunday November 26, with a special guest preacher from F.E.B. We will be celebrating our 75th Anniversary as a church plant.
Each month our Young at Heart (55+) meet for a time of food, fun and fellowship. Their delicious luncheon is followed by a time of worship/singing both hymns and choruses and a devotional led by a ministry or community leader. Throughout the year they embark on special outings like cruises, etc… They truly are young at heart! Our Young at Heart is a ministry fellowship for our mature people in our church family. Often we include a meal and worship with a devotional. Dates are to be announced and can be known by contacting our church Office Administrator.
Under the leadership of our Associate Pastor and volunteer team, our youth ministry vision is to Build, Equip and Win young people for Jesus Christ. Our Junior & Senior High Youth gather on alternating Friday evenings to serve God, have fun, share faith, and enjoy fellowship with each other. Our High School youth have learned how to serve God globally on Compassion Experiences to the Dominican Republic and both groups have learned how to serve God locally through creative service opportunities in our neighbourhood. Also, each week youth gather Wednesday night at Faith Builders to pray, study and discuss God’s Word as it applies to our lives. On Sundays, our Sunday School program helps to meet the needs of youth and children of all ages.
Our Young Adult ministry is growing as Young Adults are active in serving at HRBC in leadership and worship ministry, Campus Ministries of OTU/Durham College, globally with Compassion Experiences to the Dominican Republic and locally with partnerships with The Refuge.
In Children’s Ministries, we have launched a Sports Club for children ages 6-12 that meets weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm to learn sports related skills, play a variety of sports and activities, build relationships, and learn about Jesus, our Coach in life, from the Bible! This sports Club grew out of our Sports Camp, a week long Summer Camp in partnership with Scripture Union. Our Vacation Bible School also reaches out to children from 5-12 each summer with a week long camp that focuses on a theme that directs us to walk in relationship with Jesus.
Faith Builders is a Youth Bible study, prayer and discussion on Wednesday Nights from 7:00pm-9:00pm, both in person at HRBC and online via Zoom for youth ages 10-17.
Our Sports Club is a weekly ministry to youth partnering with Scripture Union Canada for ages 6-12 on Tuesday evening from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. This ministry incorporates various sports skills development, non-competitive scrimmage time and a Gospel presentation of Jesus as our “Head Coach”. Registration can be made online at scriptureunion.ca/sports. Registration forms can also be found on our website and at our church office. Contact our church office for startup dates.
Youth Group events include retreats, special events and mission trips. Contact our church office for dates.
Young Adult ministry features weekly Bible studies and special events/gatherings. Please contact our church office for details.
Vacation Bible School is a week long program offered in the summer featuring Bible study, music, sports, crafts and snacks.
Sports Camp is a weeklong Sports Ministry in partnership with Scripture Union Canada for youth ages 6-12 years. Interns from S.U. lead the program with volunteer support from HRBC. Sports include basketball, road hockey and soccer. Bible study is an essential part of the program that instructs children in the understanding of God.
For more info about our ministry to youth contact Pastor Dave Stewart at 905-728-2322 or pdave.harmonychurch@rogers.com.
You can also check out our Facebook group at “Harmony Road Baptist Church Youth” for upcoming ministry info.